FSC® - CoC Certification. FSC®. FSC® is an international NGO working for responsible forestry practices. FSC issues certificates to the forestry stakeholders 


produktnamn, tillverkarens namn samt ett Chain of Custody-nummer. FSC's logotyp om de är Chain of Custody-certifierade (FSC International Centre. 2005) 

Issue Number: 1. Företaget Giltigheten av detta certifikat kan verifieras på www.info.fsc.org. Härmed  FSC CoC. FSC krediten måste följa det fysiska flödet av varje volym från skogen fram FSC CoC volumes in Stora Enso Sweden Increased number of trucks:. Grönt Paraply med våra medlemmar följer FSC®:s principer och kriterier med certifikatsnummer FSC SA-FM/COC-001104, PEFC SA-PEFC/FM-001104, ISO  FSC Certificate number. DNV-COC-001517. PEFC Certificate number Good Wood Sweden enviromental policy. ISPM 15 HT KD 56/30 number.

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FSC certified material-- FSC 100%, FSC Mix or FSC Recycled material that is supplied with an FSC claim by an organization which has been assessed by an FSC-accredited certification body for conformity with FSC Forest Management and/or Chain of Custody requirements. What does the FSC label mean? The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) logo on a forest product is your assurance that it is made with, or contains, forest-based materials from FSC-certified forests or reclaimed sources. There are three types of FSC label: 100%, FSC Mix or FSC Recycled. Please click here to find out what each of these mean.

Chain of Custody. FSC chain of custody certification verifies FSC certified forest products through the production chain. FSC chain of custody (CoC) certification is for companies that manufacture, process or trade in timber or non-timber forest products and want to demonstrate to their customers that they use responsibly produced raw materials.

To achieve chain of custody certification, your business must meet the FSC -STD-40-004 Chain of Custody Certification standard. FSC is an independent, non-governmental, not for profit organization established to promote the responsible management of the world’s forests. The Chain-of-Custody process ensures the consumer that the FSC-certified products they purchase are coming from responsibly managed sources. For a consumer to purchase an FSC-certified product, every company that previously had ownership of the forest product material components of the end product would have had to be FSC certified.

Um sicherzustellen, dass Produkte, die das FSC-Label tragen, auch tatsächlich aus den entsprechenden Rohstoffen hergestellt wurden, setzt der FSC das bewährte Instrument der Produktkettenzertifizierung (englisch: Chain of Custody [COC]) ein: Dazu muss jedes Unternehmen in der Produktkette, vom Wald bis zum Endkunden, ein innerbetriebliches Verfahren aufbauen, das sicherstellt, dass FSC-zertifizierte Materialien jederzeit identifizierbar bleiben.

Fsc coc number

Section 1 of FSC® Chain of Custody InfoPack* * This InfoPack is not an official FSC document. In case of any discrepancy between this document and the FSC Normative Framework, the FSC Normative Framework shall prevail. For FSC CoC certification requirements, more information and primary literature please visit www.fsc… Number of FSC CoC certificates Oceania 197 FSC CoC certificates Africa Europe 17,335 FSC CoC certificates Asia North America South America & Caribbean Global FSC Chain of Custody certificates 14 - 1 No CoC certficates 62 - 31 30 - 15 249 - 125 124 - 63 999 - 500 499 - 250 3,999 - 2,000 All printers that want to use the FSC trademarks on printed document or make any FSC claims need to be CoC-certified. To learn more about certification, please visit our certification page. If you are a printer and have not yet updated your profile, go to FSC Marketplace and register today.

45 mm  Produkter taggade med 'kertobalk'. LVL-Balk Steico R, FSC Mix credit TUEV-COC-000243 80-00081. LVL-Balk Steico R, FSC Mix credit TUEV-COC-000243. 5 Total number of FSC forest management certificates (FM and FM/CoC) issued worldwide. 6 Total forest area in ha worldwide under FSC forest  But already today flooring producers can prove that an increasing number of Hvis det kan dokumenteres, at råvaren i gulvet, er indkøbt fra en FSC-CoC-  29 external managers involved with the group members, Number male/female auditör för Woodmark och genomfört FSC FM och COC certifiering i Danmark,  Finnish Fibreboard Ltd har även tilldelats DNV GL Chain of Custody certifikater PEFC no.
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FSC® - CoC Certification. FSC®.

The company was assessed against the following standards: FSC-STD-40-004 Version 3.0 FSC Standard for  14001, the certificate number is 2000-SKM-AQ-847/2000-SKM-AE-225. Certificate numbers for FSC is DNV-COC-000589, and for PEFC Nr 2013-SKM-PEFC-. Genom att välja FSC®-certifierat emballage hjälper du till att stötta naturen, socialt konsument ska ha sin egen certifiering och sitt eget certifieringsnummer.
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Welcome to the FSC Public Search. We have updated the look and feel of the public search. From now on this replaces the old certificate search. This is the one stop for inquiries about certificates and their status. Updates to the data can take up to 24 hours.

For each size groups of estates to be sampled, the lead auditor shall select a minimum number of estates for evaluation (x) by applying the applicable formula in  FSC is an independent, non-governmental, not for profit organization established to promote the responsible management of the License Code (FSC-C)  CERTIFICATE. CERTIFICATION CODE: CU-COC-807363. Controlled Wood Certification Code: CU-CW-807363. Field of attention: FSC Chain of Custody ( COC).

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GLN (Global Location Number, GS1-lokaliseringsnummer) används för att på ett entydigt sätt system som uppfyller kraven är FSC, CSA, SFI med CoC, PEFC, 

Trade, SA 8000, FSC, SFI, AA 1000,. CoC Genom vilken process och Members of the Working Group. Regional balance – Number of countries.

Number of employees: 55 ISO 22000:2005, FSC chain of custody certification, Sedex (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange and Food Safety Management System 

Standarden FSC-STD-40-004 (V3-0) tillhandahåller de minimikrav som FSC har för spårbarhet beträffande hantering och produktion för att en organisation ska kunna hävda att dess skogsbaserade material och produkter som köps, märks, och säljs som FSC-certifierade kommer från välskötta skogar, kontrollerade källor, återvunna material, eller en blandning av dessa, och att eventuella 10 Total number of FSC CoC certificates issued worldwide. Note: Being FSC Forest Management certified means that the certified entity is verified by a third party to be in compliance with the FSC Principles and Criteria as outlined in the applicable National, Regional or Generic Forest Management Standard . Auf Nummer sicher gehen Um zu prüfen, ob ein Zertifikat Gültigkeit hat, können Sie es in der internationalen FSC-Datenbank prüfen, in der weltweit alle gültigen Zertifikate gelistet sind. Hier geht es zur Datenbank . Products are sold automatically with an FSC Mix Credit CoC claim (FSC-C014955) If the FSC Mix Credit CoC claim is not preferred, customers may request one of the following alternative CoC claims: (1) SFI ≥20% Certified Forest Content 1, or (2) PEFC 100% Volume Credit 1 EuroArt Plus is not eligible for SFI claims. 222.730.707 ha FSC bos 45.380 FSC CoC certificaten 72.763 FSC CoC sites België 28.999 ha FSC bos 720 FSC CoC sites (cijfers 01/02/2021) 2019-12-04 · Number of FSC CoC certificates Oceania 244 FSC CoC certificates Africa Europe 19,850 FSC CoC certificates Asia North America South America & Caribbean Global FSC Chain of Custody certificates 14 - 1 No CoC certficates 62 - 31 30 - 15 249 - 125 124 - 63 999 - 500 499 - 250 3,999 - 2,000 1,999 - 1,000 4,000 and above Q Do we have to put an FSC label on our products? A No, but they must be sold with the correct FSC claim on the sales documents in order for the chain of custody to be upheld.

For a consumer to purchase an FSC-certified product, every company that previously had ownership of the forest product material components of the end product would have had to be FSC certified. FSC provides a number of different ways to find FSC certified companies and products, please visit our Find FSC Products page or use the FSC Certificate Database to verify FSC claims, search for FSC certified companies and search suppliers by region. • Leverantörens certifikatskod (i formatet XX-COC/CW-00000) • Net weight:Typ av FSC-produkt (trä, papper, förpackning, pennor, servetter, kuvert m.m.) • Kategori (FSC 100%, FSC Mix eller FSC Recycled) Finns det känslig information går det bra att stryka över den. Självklart behandlar vi de Search for FSC Certificate Holders. Use this database to check the validity and scope of FSC Chain of Custody and Forest Management certificates. To amend information on this database certified companies should contact their FSC accredited certification body. Access the FSC Certificate Database by clicking here.